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Krita with Ugee M1000 pressure sensitivity stopped working

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Hi all,

We're using Windows 10 with Krita 2.9.11 and a Ugee M1000L tablet and pen.

The pressure sensitivity has stopped working. We cannot pinpoint any action we did at the same time so we've no idea why it's stopped.

Pressure sensitivity still works in the driver utility and other packages (GIMP). We upgraded the driver to the latest, (which then stopped GIMP working, so we've reverted to the original that came with the tablet).

Any idea where to look in Krita to get this back? We've already uninstalled, cleaned the registry and re-installed, to no avail.

Thanks for any pointers/advice!

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KDE Developer
If you didn't install a different version of Krita, it's obviously not a bug in Krita. That's the part of your system that stayed the same.

In general, Windows 10 is a disaster when it comes to tablet drivers: often after a Windows update, the tablet will stop working. Then, tablet manufacturers are pretty bad when it comes to writing drivers, as you can see from the fact that after updating a driver, applications stop working.

That some applications work and others don't also doesn't say anything: it can be pure coincidence. The tablet driver spec is bad, dates back to the days of 16 bits Windows and everyone interprets it in a different way, often over time. Manufacturers don't implement the spec: they try to make their drivers work with some applications, often breaking others in the process.

In other words, reinstalling Krita is useless (unless the actual installation got corrupted it is ALWAYS useless, installing the same version again will NEVER make any difference). "Cleaning" the registry is also useless: Krita doesn't store anything in the registry. All you do is getting the same bits you had on your disk again. In this case, you could try either older or newer versions of Krita, but installing the same version again is an exercise in futility.

For some people, removing Krita's settings made some difference, until the next Windows update comes along: you will find Krita 2.9's settings in %APPDATA%\Roaming\krita\share\config\kritarc.


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