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Pressure Sensitivity Isn't Working

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Pressure Sensitivity Isn't Working

Mon May 23, 2016 1:40 pm
Hey! Just yesterday I was about to use my Wacom Intuos Pro to draw in Krita when the pressure sensitivity and the buttons on the stylus stopped working. When I looked into it, I figured out the Wacom driver (appeared to be) corrupted.
After reinstalling it, all the buttons and the pressure sensitivity worked fine when I tried in Photoshop, but the pressure sensitivity still doesn't work in Krita. I even tried a few different versions of Krita (I think I had 2.9 originally, then I tried the animation edition, not really sure about the version number, and then I tried 3.0.) Still nothing!
I'm at a complete loss and I'd appreciate any help! ;D
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KDE Developer
If you tried both 3.0 and 2.9, then it's unlikely removing your krita config will help. (Some people report that that helped them out when a Windows update broke the wacom driver, though for the life of me I cannot imagine how that could have worked.)

If you install debugview and press ctrl-shift-t to start the tablet log, then create an image you can see whether Krita at least sees the tablet.

As for fixing the issue, I have no idea since I have never seen this issue on any of my Windows test systems :-(


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