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Upgraded from 2.9 to 3.0 - having trouble migrating settings

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The other day, I discovered that Krita 3.0 was released! I was very excited and decided to download the Krita 3.0 from the zip file.

The first thing I noticed was that it didn't recognize my previous 2.9 documents, nor my hotkeys (it didn't have my canvas input and other settings).

I did some reading and noticed that it is recommended to uninstall Krita 2.9 before installing Krita 3.0

So I back up my AppData -> LocalStore -> Krita folder, but not my AppData -> Roaming -> Krita folder... because I'm an idiot and thought only of the LocalStore folder.

Well anyways, I uninstall Krita 2.9 and install Krita 3.0

I still have a Krita 2.9 animation beta build extracted, and it can still properly reference my previously-opened documents. It also still has my hotkeys and global tablet pressure set properly, so the uninstall of 2.9 doesn't appear to have affected my 2.9 preferences in any way.

On the other hand, my 3.0 install isn't detecting my hotkeys or tablet pressure setting I had assigned in 2.9. I expected 3.0 to not recognize the bundles, but what surprises me is that I was able to easily migrate my pallette tags by copying them from the 2.9 Resources folder location and migrate them to the 3.0 tag Resource folder location.

Sorry for all this explaining. I'm trying to get to the point, I promise X3

Anyways... if I want to "seemlessly" migrate all of my settings (hotkeys, tablet pressure, brushes associated with the tags I have migrated, etc) what folders/files do I need to place from the 2.9 Resource folder location into the identical 3.0 ones? I am having trouble finding where my hotkey information is, as well as the tablet setting.

Sorry if this is a duplicate topic. I don't think anyone else has this problem, or it wasn't immediately visible to me? But if this is a repeat question I do apologize, just looking for a way to keep my same exact settings without meticulously setting everything again :3
Registered Member
I've decided to manually make the changes needed to migrate my settings. Didn't take as long as I expected it to, and with the new profiles to save shortcuts, I won't run into this problem again :3


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