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Layer Visibility Problem Krita 3.0

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Layer Visibility Problem Krita 3.0

Mon Jun 06, 2016 12:27 am
Using Krita 3.0 on Mac OS X.
When I have OpenGL enabled, clicking on the Layer Visibility Button (The eye on the layers) causes some very strange behaviors.
For instance, sometimes when I click on the Eye, the action gets reversed. If I click it to be visible, it's invisible instead, and vice versa.
Other times, when I click visibility off, only small parts of the layer are affected, etc.
It seems that disabling OpenGL corrects the problem (as far as I can tell), but it would be nice if it would work with OpenGL.

P.S. - Is there any way to get the zoom and pan to work correctly with the finger gestures on a Macbook. Whenever I try using the gestures, the canvas jumps all over the place. Just thought I'd ask...

Thank You...


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