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Tiff files?

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Tiff files?

Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:17 am
So I use sketchbook pro for my base of my drawings because I don't have a drawing tablet yet (it supports my laptops touchscreen).. and I use Krita for my final touches. Problem is though I can't open the tiff's properly, they always end up flat without the layers. Same if I create a tiff file with layers and settings and try to open it in sketchbook, no multiple layers just one single image. Is there anyway to fix this or, is there a file type that is better supported?
I don't know if this has anything to do with it but I am running windows 10.
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Re: Tiff files?

Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:20 am
Sketchbook pro is probably using the Adobe proprietary extension to tiff to save the layers, which Krita doesn't support:, while Krita uses the official tiff standard way to save layers.

Unless someone volunteers their time to start hacking on this issue, chances are slim it'll be implemented any time soon.
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Re: Tiff files?

Sat Dec 23, 2017 11:32 am
I know this is an old post, but I would like to share with everyone else having this problem.
Basically if you would like to transfer layered image created SketchBook on i.e. Android tablet, to Krita and keep layers, you can export it to PSD and open PSD in Krita.
I use SketchBook for Galaxy on Note 10.1 and steps to export your sketch to PSD would be:
  • Open SketchBook. Go to menu-> Gallery
  • Tap on an image in Gallery. It should be shown full screen.
  • Tap on an image for menu to appear. Tap on Share button (three connected dots) -> Share as PSD and select Share...Save to device.
  • Copy PSD to PC where you have Krita installed and open it. Krita should show your image with separate layers.

Hope this helps anyone.


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