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Looking for other people to confirm these bugs!

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Hello, fellow Krita users!

I've been playing around with 3.0 since release, and i keep running into 2 pretty bad bugs that can be really annoying.
Now, i've made a couple of bug reports before, but always when i was able to reproduce these bugs; i can't quite figure out how these two bugs happen, but they do happen a lot while working with digital painting and they can be really annoying.

I was wondering if any of you run into these two bugs, and if you do we could figure out how to reproduce them in order to make a complete bug report;

Issue1: Free-form outline selection tool can break canvas navigation

Sometimes when i make big selections that perhaps sweep outside the canvas it can completely break canvas navigation.
My view area would get stuck far above or below the center of the canvas, and I'd be unable to move it back to the canvas; the view always snaps back up to the glitched location no matter what i try; clicking in the overview, manually dragging, zooming in/out. Nothing helps, only re-opening the document fixes this issue.

Issue2: Tool input detection and tool switching can break when working with move/transform/outline select/freehand brush
Just like with the previous bug, I'm not sure how to reproduce it; it just happens a lot "naturally" while working with a project.
It usually happens when I'm transforming and selecting stuff, and then trying to switch between said tools and the freehand brush tool.
Something just gets "stuck" and I'm unable to perform any actions related to tool use or tool switching. It's usually fixed by slamming random buttons like enter and B (freehand brush tool), at which point everything goes back to normal.

Additional info: I'm using a high-end PC with windows7 and krita3.0. I usually work in resolutions based on the design document templates,


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