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Proposition: Multiple Monitor Support

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Excuse me if this or a similar feature is already available in Krita or if I'm posting this in a wrong part of the forums.


So, before I lose your interest, my suggestion: Multiple monitor support and general UI customizability.

When I first started using dual monitors, I noticed my workflow improve significantly in programs such as Blender where multiple monitors are supported. I've been using Krita for a while on a single monitor and decided to try to achieve some sort of similar setup.
The best I could get was this.

The problem with this setup is that these windows cannot be moved around easily:
- Two dockers cannot be combined into one window outside of the main window toolbars.
- If one perchance happens to double-click on a window header when trying to move it around, it assimilates itself back into the right main window tab.

In essence, I suggest:
- A feature very similar to Krita's already-assimilated 'New Window' option (Window dropdown > New Window), perhaps named 'New Project-synced Window' or similar, with the ability to have the same project open at the same time in both windows. [The new window can then be moved to the second monitor.]
- A new UI option; i.e. the ability to hide the main canvas and show just the dockers, tabs, and other UI (this would be neccessary for the second window).

Sincerely yours,
Kousenai Asari =)

Postscript TL;DR: My main point in this post is that it couldn't hurt to have a multiple-monitor-supporting 'New Project-synced Window' option along with the abilities to hide the main canvas in said window. I can't see this being specifically hard to implement, but it would be a GREAT help.

After some chat in the IRC channel, it turns out multiple monitor support is available through a sort of workaround, i.e. 'New Window', then opening the same project in the new window.
After fiddling around with this, it becomes abundantly clear that the only thing updating between the two windows is the image itself. My sync recommendation is to have not just the image syncronize but also the drawing options such as:

- Selected layer
- Current drawing colour
- Selected brush preset
- Brush size and opacity
- etc.

This makes a lot more sense to me than the current system, since you would for example be able to open a new window on the second monitor and display solely the brush presets on this window, then upon changing the brush preset on that window, it would be changed in the other window as well. Here's a makeshift screenshot of such.

I was told that those who use Krita on more than one monitor have requested for it to be how it is currently. If so, perhaps this could be implemented as well instead of the current features being changed?
I fail to see why people would request that a new window synchronize purely the image. Edit: Besides this, New Window > opening the same project seems more like a workaround than an intentional feature.

So, again,
yours sincerely,
Kousenai Asari.

EDIT2: Well, I'm editing this yet again to point out that at least on my computer, when using the current system of 'New Window > open the same project that is open in the first window', after closing the new window, Krita crashes. May not be the case for others, but it is for me.

Last edited by Kousenai on Fri Jul 08, 2016 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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KDE Developer
As I said on IRC, I'm not opposed to a feature like this -- basically, sharing the dockers among multiple windows, but it is difficult to implement and yours truly will not have time for that for the next two, three years. First python scripting, palette docker, text tool, resource system rewrite (with fixed tagging) and then I can probably take a breath and revisit the MVC code.

That means that if someone else works on this and produces a working patch, it'll be welcome, of course. It's just that I, personally, won't be working on it.
Registered Member
boudewijn wrote:As I said on IRC, I'm not opposed to a feature like this -- basically, sharing the dockers among multiple windows, but it is difficult to implement and yours truly will not have time for that for the next two, three years. First python scripting, palette docker, text tool, resource system rewrite (with fixed tagging) and then I can probably take a breath and revisit the MVC code.

That means that if someone else works on this and produces a working patch, it'll be welcome, of course. It's just that I, personally, won't be working on it.

Fair enough. The suggestion, of course, remains open; as unlikely as it is to be implemented.


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