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Krita crashes when I animate

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Krita crashes when I animate

Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:07 pm
I was working on an animation for a good 10 hours (2 nights), and it all disappeared when Krita randomly closed out. Krita actually closed out a few times before I lost my work, but it auto-saved on those times. After mourning over the loss, I decided to try to animate one more time in Krita just now, and it closed randomly again. I really don't know why the program keeps doing this, and I really want to animate worry-free.

If it helps with anything, i'm using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (first week using Linux after using Windows for all my life), Krita 3.0, a Asus F555LA-AB31 laptop, and a wacom bamboo tablet.


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