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Startup problems

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Startup problems

Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:29 am
Greetings! I'm eagerly awaiting my Cintiq Companion tomorrow, and have installed Krita 3.0 getting ready for the revolution. Krita looks increadible and i cant wait to get going.

I`ve tried to download bundles to narrow the brush selection down a little, but when i try to install them to the program it fails. The entire internet tells me i should have Manage Resources under the Settings tab. This is not so. After fiddeling some more, i went to the Brush Presets (icon next to the gradient and pattern manager in the toolbar, middle of the screen) and found "Import Source".

I could then look through the computer to install a bundle file, but Krita was then looking for a kispainttopresets.kpp file. There was an option at the pull-down-menu to look for other files, but there was no options. I downloaded the bundle to various maps on my computer, but to no avail.

When i see screenshots of other people picking bundles, they have a window open i have never seen. Perhaps Krita will look a little different when i open it on my tablet? Also, looking at some Youtube vids, i saw an icon (monkeywrench) appearing at low right corner when rightclicking to get the quick menu. That doesnt appear when i rightclick.

Finally, is there a way to get dockers at the lower left side of the toolbar? Whenever i move a docker there, they always slide behind the main toolbar (brush, select, bucket, gradient, etc). There`s a lot of grey space doing nothing at more than half the screen there.

If something is unclear, i can add images later on tonight.
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Re: Startup problems

Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:35 am
KDE Developer boudewijn answered in a different thread, as didnt think of making my own and posted there first:
Which OS are you on? The thing is that a locally changed krita.xmlgui file can give all kinds of problems, so search your disk for one and if it exists, remove it. Krita 3.0 definitely should have that menu entry. You can also manually copy the bundle files to the right place: check the FAQ on for more information.
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Re: Startup problems

Sat Aug 13, 2016 10:23 am
right. no krita.xmlgui file on my computer. My system, as far as i can tell is
(Or is something else meant by OS? I'm using Windows 8.1. Sorry for my lack of computer knowledge.. hey, im an artist first :P)

here`s the brush preset window as presented by most users
(the images is too large to be posted here)

Here is my brush presets window. A few features are lacking.

i have no "manage rescources" on settings (allthough i guess it might not be this setting menu they are talking about)

And when i try to load a bundle with "Import Source" Krita cannot see any documents, and will only look for a kpp file, as seen

Last edited by blessthismess on Sat Aug 13, 2016 11:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Startup problems  Topic is solved

Sat Aug 13, 2016 10:40 am
From what I can see here you are using 2.8, not 3.0. The file is called krita.rc there. We changed the name in 3.0 to avoid confusion with kritarc which is a different file(the config file).

Are you using Krita from Steam? In that case try using the 3.0 channel for krita 3.0. We haven't made this the default because 3.0 misses the dual interface, lost during the transition to multiple document mode.
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Re: Startup problems

Sat Aug 13, 2016 11:08 am
indeeed, i downloaded Krita from Steam recently. Ill try to get the right version - thanks! :D


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