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Krita Constant Mini Freezes

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Krita Constant Mini Freezes

Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:29 pm
Hello Krita user forums. :)

I just updated my Krita git version today, to version 3.0.1 (git 82247dd), and it is running the worst it has ever run. I am getting long pauses and unresponsive brush strokes or panning/rotating. I have nothing else running except Clementine, but with my computer that shouldn't cause any kind of lag in Krita.
uname -a
Code: Select all
Linux 4.4.6-gentoo #1 SMP Mon Jul 4 00:11:33 PDT 2016 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

16 GiB of ram, and GTX 980ti.
Gentoo Linux
KDE Plasma Version 5.7.3
KDE Frameworks Version 4.23.0
QT Version 5.6.1

When I looked at KsysGaurd, Krita was running at 1,264,300 k, and 3% cpu usage. The drawing I am working on isn't that big either; 1920 x 1826 (61.3 M) at 300dpi. I don't think that it have ever seen Krita run this badly, even when streaming, using OBS, with the music player going, and Chrome open for the stream.

I looked at my settings to see if OpenGL was disabled, but it wasn't. So I don't know what is going on with Krita. If you need more information let me know.



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