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Regarding the Digital Color Mixer and Brush presets docker.

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Is there a way I can add more colors to mix in the digital color mixer? And can it be made to remember the colors after the file being closed? I exclusively use it, alongside the color palettes, to mix my colors, and sometimes I need more colors to dial in than is possible right now. How hard would it be to implement something like that? Like how much coding would be required, and would it be possible if I want to tweak the code myself, (I'm a complete noob in coding :D )? And how many of you use the digital color mixer in your daily use?

And regarding the brush presets docker, can I change something that can decrease the sizes of brush lists below what is possible right now? I arrange brushes with names, but the list view is very impractical for large number of brushes because of the size. And is there a way to list brushes just by names and no icons? Like really consolidated and requiring less screen space?


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KDE Developer
For 1. The code of the digital color mixer is relatively easy, but you will need to learn to be friends with qt widgetcode. The loading and saving of colors is semi-relatively easy as well, remembering the palette is a bit of hell. I think though, for all bits you will need to dig through krita, especially kconfig.

For 2. Yes, by using tags, and the active tag will be saved by the docker on a normal closing of the program.
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TheraHedwig wrote:For 1. The code of the digital color mixer is relatively easy, but you will need to learn to be friends with qt widgetcode. The loading and saving of colors is semi-relatively easy as well, remembering the palette is a bit of hell. I think though, for all bits you will need to dig through krita, especially kconfig.

For 2. Yes, by using tags, and the active tag will be saved by the docker on a normal closing of the program.

Well, regarding the first, I have a feeling I'm too much of a noob to attempt something like that. I would certainly like to try, but I have no idea where to begin. Can you point me to some useful resources maybe, some simple guides to start with? And are there any development plans for this docker, in the near future or? I don't know how useful it is considered, but I just love the idea of it, being from traditional art background, and it certainly has way more potential I think. Anyway thanks. :)

Regarding the second, I think I didn't explain it better. I do use tags, but within a single tag , I have around 40 brushes. And when I turn the list view on, there is a limit that I can decrease the size of the presets icons and they still look pretty large to me, can I somehow modify it? Like setting the minimum icon size to something lower than what it is now?


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