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Krita 2.9 randomly deciding to ignore my Intuos pen eraser

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I have no idea what sets it off, but seemingly at random, the program starts treating the eraser and pen tip as the same type of pointer. Various things have fixed it at various times and it seems like a roulette each time. Different solutions I've had to use include:

  • Simply restarting the program.
  • Sometimes erasing the preferences works, but only sometimes.
  • Other times it seems only a full reinstallation will work.
  • One other time I fixed it by swapping the eraser to hit the 'e' key and then back to erase.
It's at the point where I'm having to do at least one of these things multiple times in a day and it's becoming quite a nuisance. Is this a known bug? Is there some keystroke I'm accidentally hitting that makes the program stop differentiating between eraser and pen tip? I can try to give more information if needed but I don't think I really know much else of the context in which this keeps happening.

I tried 3.0 recently but the same problem kept emerging, only difference being that nothing seemed to be able to fix it.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Registered Member
How about trying 3.0.1? However it works, 2.9 is not supported anymore, so you should be using 3.0.1.

What tablet are you using and what OS?
Registered Member
I will give the newer version a try.

I am using Windows 7 and a Wacom Intuos.
Registered Member
It's still happening.
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If I am understanding you wrong, please acept my apologies and discard the following:

One of Krita's strong features is the ability to treat any brush as an eraser, it is true though that some find this confusing or just not the way they usually work on a program. The normal behavior of your brush would be that if you hit the key "e", then the brush become and eraser, same tip, settings, same brush, just erasing, that's expected. Clicking on the same key "e" once more brings the brush back to normal.

Now it may be that your shortcuts are customized in a way that other combination is triggering the "eraser" effect on the brush? You can check by going into Settings > Configure Krita > Keyboard Shortcuts, there in the search box look for "erase", it should give you the "Set eraser mode" and check that the shortcut is in fact set to "E" and that there are no alternate ones (I am not sure if this "alternate" applies to others systems other than linux).

Could it be a remapped keyboard issue? where other key (or combination) is set to act as "e" globally. But is difficult to point out. Also make sure to remove (and backup if necessary) all the configuration files for Krita to start with the defaults located at %APPDATA%\Roaming\krita\ named kritarc (not krita.rc).

I didn't get if your stylus has an eraser button and that is the one not functioning, that could be a driver issue.

Just some ideas.

Self educated by a very bad teacher!
My Stuff
Registered Member
Still experiencing the issue. I fixed it once last night by opening a different file and trying the eraser there; it worked and then behaved normally. Now it's not working again.

Checked the keyboard settings and there's no alternate keyboard setting overriding it.

I also don't see the kritarc file where you said it was. In fact, entering "kritarc" into my computer's search won't even turn the file up. I've deleted it before with some results and now it's not even there.

The eraser button on the stylus definitely works. If I rebind it to the keystroke 'e' I can tap it once to get krita to switch to erase mode, then be able to erase. But krita just won't do that if I set the stylus eraser to "erase" by default. Not consistently, at least.


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