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Krita snap - new drive

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Krita snap - new drive

Sun Sep 25, 2016 3:48 pm
Hi all,

i've got an issue on Ubuntu 16.04 here with a snap install of Krita.

I've recently installed and formatted a new drive and Krita throws a permission error. There are also gimp and inkscape files on this drive and they open without problem with Gimp and Inkscape.
To test further I've reïnstalled an older version of Krita using synaptic, in other words from a .deb file and then Krita opens the files without problem too.

So, is this a setting I need to change somewhere in the snap configuration, or is it a packaging bug with snaps? Is there a workaround for it so I can use snap images of Krita to open these files?

Thanks in advance,



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