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How to Copy-Paste between Animation frames?

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Took me a while to figure out... but still a bit puzzeled.

When I want to lasso something in (let's say) frame 6... and paste that to (let's say) frame 3 of my main animation sequence... I have to first put it in a new layer...
Only then, once I created a new animation frame for the (paste) layer, can I move it and merge it with frame 3.

However when I create a new (temporarly) animation frame (where the lassoed and pasted it)... it always pastes it to Frame 1... and not to the frame count I am currently viewing. So in this case I would have frame 3 of the animation active. It is fine when you have a small animation... but if you were to have hunderds of frames in your animation... the paste being put in Fame 1 is a bit annoying.

Am I missing something... Can I do it another (easier) way? or is it just because the animator is not yet that advanced?

So in short I have:
1) Layer Main
2) I lasso something in Frame 6 of Layer Main
3) Ctrl C + Ctrl V --> A new Layer is made called "Layer xx(pasted)"
4) Select option "Show in Timeline"
5) Make New Frame in that Timeline.
6) The paste appears on Frame 1 and not (if I would be on Frame 3) on Frame 3.

So if I would need the paste on Frame 3 and not on Frame 1... I now have to manually move it from Frame 1 to Frame 3... and only then can I merge it with the Layer Main Frame 3.

Is there an easier way to do this?
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KDE Developer
No, we're still figuring out the interaction on this. The problem is that the regular copy+paste makes sense in Krita as a drawing program, but it doesn't quite work with frames.
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hmm is there a way to say, on the programming, that if you are in the animation mode of krita, then whenever you have a selected keyframe it will be pasted there?
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junglehyena wrote:Took me a while to figure out... but still a bit puzzeled.

When I want to lasso something in (let's say) frame 6... and paste that to (let's say) frame 3 of my main animation sequence... I have to first put it in a new layer...
Only then, once I created a new animation frame for the (paste) layer, can I move it and merge it with frame 3.

However when I create a new (temporarly) animation frame (where the lassoed and pasted it)... it always pastes it to Frame 1... and not to the frame count I am currently viewing. So in this case I would have frame 3 of the animation active. It is fine when you have a small animation... but if you were to have hunderds of frames in your animation... the paste being put in Fame 1 is a bit annoying.

Am I missing something... Can I do it another (easier) way? or is it just because the animator is not yet that advanced?

So in short I have:
1) Layer Main
2) I lasso something in Frame 6 of Layer Main
3) Ctrl C + Ctrl V --> A new Layer is made called "Layer xx(pasted)"
4) Select option "Show in Timeline"
5) Make New Frame in that Timeline.
6) The paste appears on Frame 1 and not (if I would be on Frame 3) on Frame 3.

So if I would need the paste on Frame 3 and not on Frame 1... I now have to manually move it from Frame 1 to Frame 3... and only then can I merge it with the Layer Main Frame 3.

Is there an easier way to do this?

Does anyone know if an "easy" way to copy-paste between animation frames within one layer has been implemented? I mean, a way without the need of creating a new layer or having to "merge" stuff. Just as simple as "lassoing something in (let's say) frame 6 [of (let's say) layer 2] ... and paste that to (let's say) frame 3 [of (let's say) layer 2]". The ability to do that in Krita would be greatly appreciated. :)
Registered Member
Anyone please, help...

Will there ever be a quick and easy way of "control C" and "control V" any selection from a frame (in the timeline) onto another without necessarily having to paste the copied selection (clipboard content) over to a new layer?

Such a feature would be SO handy!
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KDE Developer
Not until someone codes it. Right now there's other things we want to finish first so it's not on our direct agenda. Krita is opensource however, so anyone who could write code in c++ could try to get this feature in.
Registered Member
Unfortunately, the time it would take for me to brush off the dust on c++ added to the time I would take to understand Krita's source code before I could start implementing stuff would be prohibitive :-(

Is there any other way one could help? How many hours would it take for a coder familiar with c++ & Krita to implement such a feature?
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KDE Developer
Well, first there is a need to create mockups (how would UI look, how would it exactly work etc.) and discuss the feature with other artists. Then we can estimate how much time it would take for a developer to implement it. There were times when someone sponsored a specific kind of work on Krita - but considering Krita is on no-bugs mission now, it wouldn't probably be immediately, so probably you're best bet would be to hire someone privately, maybe if there is any volunteer without a job now...

Or try yourself. You won't be alone - there is always someone on IRC ready to help with building, and then with figuring out the right strategy to implement it, later someone will need to review your merge request anyway (if you publish it for others, which is hugely encouraged :) ). Of course the first step - mockup and figuring out how this feature needs to work - is still very much needed, otherwise asking for the best way to implement something that is not precisely described would be a waste of your and our time, I guess. If you have any experience with c++, you should be able to do the job, even though a bit slower than, let's say, Dmitry :) You can also first try to fix one of the small animation bugs to see the code for yourself and check if you want to play around with it or not.
Registered Member
hello, same problem here !
I usually make a selection and then transform the selection so i can copy past it.

ctrl+r, select, ctrl+ T, ctrl+c and ctrl+v.

but i can't copy same image from frame to frame. i copy the frame entirely...

:( ;)


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