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Text tool question and bugs

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Text tool question and bugs

Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:10 pm
Hey everyone
I would like to share some feedback about text tool. Most of it are bugs, but i have also some questions.

First i would like to know if there is a possibility in Krita to set the font, size and any other options prior to inputing text, so everytime i make new box with text the options will remain as i set them. Right now every time i make new box (whether artistic or multiline) i have to change all the options again and again which is very annoying.

Another very annoying bug is that text becomes messy (lines goes over the text) while editting it. Sometimes when i finish editting text the selection background colour remains. All this makes the text tool very hard to work with. The messy lines and background usually dissapear when i finish editting and move the box with text, but sometimes it remais and i have to delete it and create new one again....

Second bug? if i can call it like that, is that in Multiline tool options there are buttons like Aligment, Bold, etc. They are invisible, i dont see them. When i hover over the place where the button is i can see the pop up text with the name like "Bold" or "Bullet list". They work but i cant see them :P.

Lastly a sugesstion. I know developers will be focusing now probably on the text tool, i would love if you implement options to curve the text. Putting text on path is also a neat idea, but requires too much work if i want to make just a simple curve up or down.

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KDE Developer

Re: Text tool question and bugs

Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:18 pm
Please refer to this: The text tool will be fully rewritten.


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