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Autosaving odd; Colour selector slow (Krita 3.1.1)

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With new version autosaving is acting somehow strange. It freezes once for 2-3 seconds, after that when it seems to complete saving, i can continue to draw but in couple of seconds Krita freezes again (looks like saving again). When it's done for the second time, the first stroke i draw with pen looses it's pressure, so the stroke is drawn with full opacity (that is set above).
The autosaving process repeats sometimes 3 times.
Normal saving works fine.

Also the new colour selector works very slow when i am trying to drag the small circle in the box, It has delay and the result is that i can not pick colours in corners by dragging, because if my mouse pointer move out of the box circle stop moving before it reaches the corner, i have to click on the very edge which sometimes is difficult (like picking black or white). I have to use Advance colour selector (which works fine)


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