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Krita 3.1.1 deleted an entire frame of my animation

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This is one of those bugs that is so odd and hard to diagnose, that I doubt it'll really get resolved. I'm only posting this here because I love Krita and I want you guys to have a record of as many issues as possible.

Krita appimg 3.1.1 for Linux deleted a huge portion of an animation frame in the middle of me working. This wasn't something any undo button or eraser tool could have accidentally deleted, I'm talking an entire 30 minutes worth of shading on a characters hair. Again, I was working on the same frame, trying to shade the skin of my character after I just shaded her hair. as soon as I looked up from what I was doing, the shading on that same layer was completely gone. I can't even begin to come up with a theory as to how this happened. Between this, loosing most of my pop-up menu brushes, and 3.1.1 randomly saving blank jpegs, I've had to revert back to an earlier version of Krita. I have a lot of work to get done and just can't have this keep happening.


-Bryan Willis


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