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Lines between pen touches

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Lines between pen touches

Sun Jan 08, 2017 9:34 pm
I am using Krita 3.1.1 x64 on Windows 10. I just bought my first tablet, the Ugee M708 and it has the latest 12/16/2016 drivers installed. The reason I came here instead of a Ugee forum is that it works perfectly in Adobe Photoshop and so far the issue only happens in Krita. I have tested on 3 different computers.

The one I will use for troubleshooting is an i7 desktop with 16 GB RAM, SSD, and Nvidia GTX1070.

I don't see an option for uploading a photo, so I will describe the issue. If I touch with the pen to create a dot and then lift, move, touch again to dot, it creates a light line between the two dark dots. If I first make sure that I hover over a new location so the tool/cursor shows my new location, and THEN touch the tablet, it does not create the line between locations. But that is no good for drawing.

Seems anytime there is a pen touch issue, everyone says get new drivers. But these are the latest drivers for a tablet model that has been around a while and it works fine in Photoshop. Is there anything I can do to fix it for Krita?
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KDE Developer

Re: Lines between pen touches

Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:08 pm
That's -- we don't really know what causes it, since we don't have a ugee. The tablet code changed a lot between 2.9 and 3.0, and that's when the bug started happening, we guess. Or there was a change in the ugee drivers, that might also be the case. You can give 2.9 a try and see if that also has the issue; if so, it's probably a driver issue.
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Re: Lines between pen touches

Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:30 pm
Thanks. I will try 2.9. From the Bug link you gave, the comments make it appear that the issue could be solved either by Krita or Ugee drivers. Since it works fine in other apps, I will just try Krita 2.9 for now. Thanks again.


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