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Restoring default brush thumbnails

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Restoring default brush thumbnails

Sun Jan 08, 2017 11:52 pm
Hi. I accidentally created a custom thumbnail image to an existing brush preset that I replaced (...didn't realize I needed to first copy the existing thumbnail image or something before saving). So, I read up on restoring brushes, and tried the method of deleting the blacklist file for the brushes. However, that didn't seem to work, as the custom brush still exists (with the custom thumbnail).

I even tried re-installing Krita, but the custom brush thumbnail still exists.

Is there some way I can restore Krita to its default brushes, including the thumbnail images?

Win7 Krita3.1.1
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Deleting the blacklisted files means you delete the original file, which where blacklisted in order to not show in the brush list, while still be present if you need to restore them.

By what you've written, I assume you overridden one of the Krita's default brushes, so Krita blacklists the default brush and create the modified version of the brush in the resources folder.

All you need to do is to delete the brush from the resources folder, and then delete the blacklist file.

On Linux go to /home/username/.local/share/krita
Delete the file kis_paintoppresets.blacklist
Then open the folder paintoppresets and delete the brush you created.

On Windows go to %appdata%/krita (you should type this on the address bar on windows explorer)
Delete the file kis_paintoppresets.blacklist
Then open the folder paintoppresets and delete the brush you created.

On OSX must be the same as Linux, although I'm not sure.
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Hi, artur89sd. Thanks for the reply.

I'm confused... All the documentation about this that I've read said to go into the settings, and click on the Open Resource Folder, and delete the blacklist file... which is what I did. But you say that file is the ORIGINAL file... so, am I then deleting the wrong thing? I thought the blacklist file is just a list of files that were overwritten, so it uses the modified version, rather than the default, which it keeps (never deletes the original file, just 'blacklists' it and uses the alternate, modified version).

So, I did delete the blacklist file (for the brush presets) in the Resources folder, but the modified brush (and the custom thumbnail) are still there.

Aren't the blacklist file and the file in the Resources folder the same thing? (The blacklist file IS in the Resources folder) Is there some other file in the Resources folder besides the .blacklist file that I'm supposed to delete?

Also, is the %appdata%/krita folder the same one that is opened by the Open Resource Folder button in the Settings > Manage Resources menu item?

Right now, the only file I have in there (besides the folders) is the krita.xmlgui file (..the kis_paintoppresets.blacklist file was deleted, as I said).

I tried restarting Krita, and even reinstalling it, but the custom brush (and thumbnail) still exist.
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Oops, nevermind! I got it now. I initially didn't notice you mention to go into that other folder and delete the brush file. I just did that, and I think that worked.

Excellent, thanks for your help!


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