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Need Workflow for Animation

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Need Workflow for Animation

Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:20 am
Ever since Krita released its animation feature, I've happily ditched Windows for Ubuntu for commercial 2D animation for clients. Unfortunately, I'm experience bumps in my road to heaven, so I need some help.

The fastest way for me to work in most other 2D animation softwares was to create rough layouts and animations in the bottom layer, reduce opacity, create linestrokes for outlines and highlights and use the paint-bucket to paint into the lines quickly in each frame, then delete shade / highlight linestrokes. Wherever there may be gaps between lines and color, I always used an equivalent to "fill gaps" tool or even "close lines" tools to fix my errors.

Unfortunately, similar tools aren't available in Krita, so I've been trying to figure out how to get around the process in order to reduce my labor. So instead start to not care about the accuracy of highlight and shade lines since they'll be deleted anyway, so that can at least solve my "unclosed lines" issue. But then I face issues with the paint-bucket tool, such as incorrectly filling within those outlines, leaving either larger gaps than ideal or spilling out of the lines, or even having very jarry edges. Tweaking the paint-bucket option settings improves it only to a degree until I realize it's the outline brushes themselves that might be visually limiting what the paint-bucket ought to paint within. But this is just a beginning of some of my issues, so it doesn't seem like I have the best workflow here.

So basically I wanted to know if somebody might have come up with a workflow that works incredibly well with Krita, and use tools and brushes specifically for animation purposes, which could help me. For example: Which is the best brush I can use for outlines? What methods could I use to reduce time and labor? How do I tweak the paint-brush for the best results?


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