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Fill layers ala Melissa Evans?

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Fill layers ala Melissa Evans?

Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:13 am
Does anyone know how to configure a Krita fill layer to work the same way as a Photoshop fill layer, as Melissa Evans does in her tutorial? Basically, if I can explain this, the fill layer lays over the primary layer transparently; you can see the underlying art under the color fill. Then you fill the layer with black, which causes the color to vanish. Then, you select a paintbrush, turn the primary color to white, and literally 'paint' where you want the color to be. I have found this method eliminates stray pixels and the magic wand aura. I would love to be able to do this with Krita. I can provide a link to the tutorial from Mrs. Evans if nobody knows what I'm talking about. Thank you.
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Re: Fill layers ala Melissa Evans?

Thu Jan 26, 2017 4:14 pm
Krita's fill layers are not meant to be work on, they are simply a block of color, although you can erase parts of it. I'm thinking you want a normal layer, but I can't understand the process you just mentioned, is it tracing line art? filling shapes? what is the intention?. may be a link to it will be helpful. (I've never used ps, thus can't tell what its fill layer does)

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Re: Fill layers ala Melissa Evans?

Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:25 pm
I think I understand what you saw.

1. Select a fill layer by clicking the arrow icon attached to 'new layer' icon under the layers palette. This gives you a pop up of fill layer where you can select which color to fill.
2. Next, what you saw with black and white thingy is called masking. While keeping the newly created fill layer selected, go to the same icon and select 'Transparency mask' this time. This will create a layer under your fill layer. And your foreground and background colors will change to black and white.
3. Click 'F' and left click on the screen. This will vanish your fill layer and your transparency mask layer's icon should turn black.
4. Click 'x'. This will change your color from black to white.
5. Click 'b'. This selects your brush tool again. And now painting on the transparency mask layer will reveal the same parts of fill layer. This is why it is called a transparency mask.

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Re: Fill layers ala Melissa Evans?

Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:53 am
Thank you both. Tried the suggested method, did not work for me. What I am trying to achieve is this, courtesy of Melissa Evans' tutorial site for photoshop. ... line-art/3
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Re: Fill layers ala Melissa Evans?

Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:39 am
naressazabuta wrote:Thank you both. Tried the suggested method, did not work for me. What I am trying to achieve is this, courtesy of Melissa Evans' tutorial site for photoshop. ... line-art/3

I see now, what mohitfagna post is actually what you are looking for, just slightly different controls that those in the tutorial you just linked.
-Make sure your line art layer has the proper transparency, (probably obvious but just to make sure).
-Under the line art add the fill layer and follow mohitfagna steps, make sure the fill layer is under the line art layer, not in top. *see video below.
-remember to "paint" in the mask to reveal the color, not in the fill layer.
-to change color of the fill layer you can right click on it (not on the mask) and click the properties option, there is a button where you can change colors.

Here are a couple of videos I just made to show (I'm not that good at explaining some times :D ) ... sp=sharing ... sp=sharing

Self educated by a very bad teacher!
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