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Rotate View Shortcut; Subwindows; Tools missing from toolbar

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I just installed Krita on my Mac, version 10.11.6 (El Capitan).

I started programming the buttons on my Wacom tablet to different shortcuts, but I cannot find any shortcut for the Rotate View Tool. I rely on this shortcut a lot when using Photoshop because it makes it much easier to draw strokes from different angles on the canvas. Is this shortcut available on Krita?

Another thing I'm having trouble figuring out is how to open a sub-window. I looked for info but the tutorials I found don't work for the newer version of Krita.

Also, I noticed that the toolbar appears to be missing some icons, the eraser being one of them. I wish I could attach an image to show you but I don't see that option. Maybe you're already aware of this issue though. Do you know how it can be fixed?

Thank you!


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