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Yesterday I opened the Krita 3.1.2 appimage and deleted somewhat more than half the brush presets. Today when I started the appimage, all the deleted brush presets are back.
Many times over the last couple of years I've worked hard to put together a small set of brush presets, somewhere around 20 or so brushes that I liked using. And each time I finally reduce the number of brush presets to a manageable list, sooner or later my reduced set of brushes gets replaced by the full set. The same is true for all the other resources. I've spent much time spent carefully testing each brush tip, each pattern, each paper and gradient, and etc, and deleting most of them, and then an upgrade (or something, not sure what) somehow manages to replace my reduced-size set of resources with the full set. Apparently I have a very small mind - I simply can't use Krita with the full set of brushes and other resources - it's too much to choose from. And most of the default resources I will never, ever use. I've tried to keep backups of configuration files. But I'm just not smart enough to figure out to accomplish what seems to me to be a fairly basic step that no doubt the rest of you figured out a long time ago, which is how to store and keep changes in the available brushes and other resources. So please, please! could someone explain step-by-step exactly how to keep tweaked resources and avoid having the reduced-size and tweaked set of resources replaced by the default resources, which at this point seems to happen just about every time I try to use Krita. Thanks, Elle |
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Okay I am a rank beginner here
![]() But what about moving the brushes out of the "paintoppresets" directory? |
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have you considered tagging your favourite brush presets?
you can right-click on one and find the "assign to tag" menu near the bottom of the pop-up, then it'll let you enter a new name, like "mine". After that, you can just right-click, assign to tag, and find "mine" in that list. After that, the brush presets docker will let you select "mine" from the list of tags to show (at the top where it usually says "All"), and also you can change what tag the pop-up palette (when you right-click on the canvas where it lets you switch brushes and colors) will list for you. For that, you open the right-click palette and find the little round button at the bottom that's left of the > symbol. That will pop open a list of tags that will then be used to fill the bubbles around the color selector ring. In addition to that, you can change the number of bubbles around the color selector in the pop-up palette by going to Settings → Configure Krita → General → Miscellaneous and entering a number in the "Favorite presets" box. Hope that helps! But also, removing stuff from the "paintoppresets" should remove brushes. It will probably give you the default paint op presets (aka brush presets) back whenever you update, though. |
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Well, first that is awkward! Second, I've done that before, and my customized presets still were eventually replaced by the entire default set of presets. Third, I'm using the 3.1.2 appimage and I am totally clueless as to where the brushes actually are located on-disk. Fourth, this apparently won't survive updating to the latest appimage. Anyway, what you suggest is a good idea, that I've successfully used before, but it just doesn't seem applicable to the current situation. I can't find where the appimage writes any krita configuration data to disk, except for in /tmp, which disappears upon restarting the computer. I just experimented again, opened the appimage, deleted a bunch of brushes, even saved a sample "kra" file thinking that perhaps it was necessary to save a file in order to trigger writing changes in the brush list to disk. And on reopening krita, all the brushes are back. |
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This also is an excellent suggestion. I've tried tagging brushes before. I couldn't get the tags to work the way I wanted them to work. Basically I don't want to use tags. I want the brushes that I don't want to use to not appear in the brush list at all, anywhere. I want them permanently gone so I never ever have to look at them.
This may sound odd, but I don't use that little pop-up palette. I find it to be incredibly annoying, not sure why, but it's just in the way.
See, that's exactly the problem. I don't want my presets to disappear when I update Krita. Setting up the presets again is *very* time-consuming. But at this point the "deleted" brushes reappear as soon as I restart the appimage. This seems very wrong, which is exactly why I asked for help in figuring out how to remove assets permanently. If deleting the brushes (putting them in the trash) doesn't actually blacklist the brushes any more, what's the revised procedure for removing assets from Krita? |
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If the delete button doesn't blacklist, then there isn't any revised procedure. It is bugged. This adds to the list of bugs related to the resources(the tags, are also bugged). This is caused by the resource system being to simple for what it is supossed to do. There's no quickfix for this. We've wanted to rip it out and replace it for ages... but it'll take 3 months of dedicated work. It's one of the things we're hoping to finance by focussing on bugfixing this year(and also funding it).
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The Appimage version of Krita stores its configuration data in ~/.local/share/krita/ (It does on my Linux Mint Serena MATE.) This will probably be less than 100MB (unless you have a load of brushes etc) so it's easy to backup somewhere else.
However, it sounds like you will have to do the backup before you close Krita and then maybe a restore after the next time you start Krita (which is tricky), based on what you say about quit/restart destroying any changes you've made. That is the strange part. Timotimo's idea of personalised tag name sets sounds like the only way out of your problem if you can't solve this. |
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Thanks! for letting me know where the appimage stores its configuration data. I did find the configuration file. Just now I started the Krita 3.1.2 appimage and deleted a bunch of brushes, and then closed the appimage. There is a file named "kis_paintoppresets.blacklist" in the folder "~/.local/share/krita/kis_paintoppresets.blacklist" with a file date that indicates this file was created "just now". This file survived closing and then reopening the appimage, and opening the file, it does indeed still have the appropriate brushes blacklisted. But the supposedly blacklisted brushes are again showing in Krita, even though the blacklist file hasn't changed. So the problem doesn't seem to be that the blacklisted brushes aren't being listed in "~/.local/share/krita/kis_paintoppresets.blacklist". The configuration data is not destroyed upon closing the appimage or upon restarting the appimage. The problem seems to be that the appimage doesn't read the configuration data that it has previously saved, at least not the data stored for the paintoppresets. Although "somewhere" the appimage is storing things like changes to the displayed dockers, because that kind of change does survive closing and reopening the appimage. |
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The "somewhere" that is used to store things like docker configuration is ~/.config/kritarc This doesn't seem to contain anything related to your problem though. I've tried various methods and I can't delete brushes either.
As Thera said, it's a bug that needs to be fixed. One other option, which might reduce the number of 'unwanted' brushes, would be to go to Settings -> Manage Resources -> Create New Bundle and then select only the Brush Presets, etc. that you want, to be made into your own personal bundle, and save it somewhere. You could then deactivate all other bundles and just import your own personal one. This would not remove the default/standard brushes though. I suggest that you try to use personal tag sets, if you can get them working. Good Luck. |
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