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Krita is getting bad again in ubuntu 16.10-17.04

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>:( Hi , i'm mad because subwindows isnt working right, instead it gives a big blue bar at the top that doesnt go away when maximized , i always set krita to subwindows because the default tabs setting takes up way too much horizontal and vertical screen space for me, just look at this

And i 'm also mad because my wacom bamboo tablet doesnt switch to brush on my pen , it stays stuck on eraser once i switch and it stays on eraser on both sides of my pen , and i have to manually reselect the brush every time i erase.This basically makes it unusable for me and its a dealbreaker, I know its a problem within krita because my tablet is working fine in GIMP, it switches back and forth to pen and eraser whenever want.

Another thing i don't like is that krita doesnt take on my font or theme settings that i have. Instead i'm left with this really big font in krita that i cant change , but every other app takes on my custom theme and font settings


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