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Visible Circle Eraser

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Visible Circle Eraser

Sun Mar 12, 2017 3:47 pm

I have used Krita for the last couple of years and have never had any issues. However, I did upgrade to the latest version and I am having a small issue. When I select the eraser, I don't get the circle I used to have outlining how much the eraser is going to spread. If I look very carefully, there is a black outline that is invisible against the black background I am using. In the past there was a green circle that stands out against the black background.
How can I change the color of the circle outline I have when I am selecting the eraser brush?
I know this is an extremely simple fix. However I could not figure it out myself.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Visible Circle Eraser

Tue Mar 14, 2017 11:47 am
the brush preview outline thingie doesn't actually "have a color" that you could change. it uses some operation provided by the GPU to make a color that's distinct from the color on the canvas at that point so that you end up with a color that (hopefully) always stands out from the color on the canvas.

if that doesn't work any more, it might be you changed something about your graphics card or its drivers? or maybe switching between krita versions caused the problem?

in any case, always having up-to-date graphics card drivers is good. if that doesn't help, try an older version of krita from


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