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Drawing straight dotted line?

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Drawing straight dotted line?

Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:48 am
Is there any way to draw a straight dotted line in krita? I can draw straight lines with the line tool and I can draw dotted (but not straight) lines with the draw path tool, but how do I make a line that is both straight and dotted? Snapping to a grid doesn't seem to do anything, nor does enabling `precision: straight' and changing the degrees under tool options for the path tool.
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Re: Drawing straight dotted line?

Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:32 pm
Option 1:
Pick a brush you want to use for that line and increase the spacing to a really high value.
Then select the Freehand Brush Tool and hold "V" as you draw, to use the temporary line tool.

Option 2:
Create a vector layer. Use the line tool to create that line. Select the line and change the line style on the Tool Options Docker. Convert the layer to Paint Layer when or if you need.
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Re: Drawing straight dotted line?

Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:43 am
Thank you for the reply.

Option 1:

I tried this with the Fill_circle brush, with spacing at maximum strength and it did not make dotted lines. Ticking/unticking isotropic spacing doesn't seem to make a difference. Am I meant to play with the curve? If so, could you give me some pointers? Am I supposed to tick a box in the list of options, such as pressure, pressurein, X-tilt, Y-tilt? Or does it depend on the brush I choose? I really need to use a brush that will create a clean solid line with no fading around the edges, so this one I tried is my go-to for that purpose.

Option 2:

I created the straight lines on a vector layer, selected them and checked the tool options docker. The only options are transform: perspective, warp, cage, liquify, and then a drop-down menu of filters and the choice to select position, rotate, scale or shear. Scrolling down, I can only alter the position of the lines or rotate them.

I am using the krita-, if that helps at all.
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Re: Drawing straight dotted line?

Thu Mar 23, 2017 9:10 pm
Option 1:
Select the brush you want. Open the brush editor. Look for and click on "Brush Tip".
There is a spacing value slider bar next to a checkbox with the label "Auto"
Uncheck the "Auto" checkbox and set the value on the spacing slider to a minimum of 2.0
Try to draw again holding "V" for a straight line.

Option 2:
The Tool Options docker is contextual.
You have to select the line with the "Shape Manipulation Tool" ( the topmost icon on the left toolbar)


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