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Can't switch between mouse and tablet.

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Hey all. First time user of Krita and I like what I see so far. Ran into an odd issue. I have Mac running Yosemite with a Huion 610 Pro tablet (driver 11.1.4). When I start Krita up, I can draw with the mouse, pull up the Pop-Up palette (with right click), draw shapes and everything else with just the mouse. But once I activate my tablet, I can only use Krita with the tablet. It ignores the mouse. I can move the cursor and select tools. But I can't use the tools with the mouse. Only the tablet can use them. Also the pop-up menu won't work anymore. Everything reverts to the keyboard and mouse when I quit and restart Krita.

Is that how it's supposed to work? You can only use one or the other? Or is this a bug?

Thanks for your help.


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