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Using FFmpeg

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Using FFmpeg

Sat Mar 25, 2017 4:08 pm
Hello, I've been google searching and have struggled to find the answer, although I've found evidence that at least some people have figured it out.

I have downloaded and installed FFmpeg (With apt-get), but don't understand/know how I'm suppose to get a file out of it to use in Krita for when I go to render an animation. Thus far I've uploaded all my frames separately to an online .gif maker, but obviously that will be too cumbersome depending on how many frames my animation has since it involves me uploading everything and saving everything separate. Can someone link me to a tutorial showing how I get this special file-something from FFmpeg to use when I go to 'Render Animation', please?

I just used the animation feature today, so sorry this all sounds ignorant.

I'm on Ubuntu 16.04
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Re: Using FFmpeg

Sat Mar 25, 2017 4:50 pm
try going to a command line and typing this in:

Code: Select all
whereis ffmpeg

that should tell you a few locations where to find it.

Now when in Krita in the Render animation dialog, one of the inputs is to tell where ffmpeg is located. You should be able to pick one of those locations. Once that is set up, the animations should export.
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Re: Using FFmpeg

Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:29 pm
Interesting, it pops out:

Code: Select all

but when I go to browse for it, it's not there in the folder (/snap/krita/current/usr/share/man/man1)

Does this mean I didn't install it correctly? When I type 'ffmpeg' in the terminal I don't get a graphical or anything but I do get a list of options or I guess features to FFmpeg.
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Re: Using FFmpeg

Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:49 pm
Ok, so I'm trying to just plug in '/usr/bin/ffmpeg' into where it asks but it's popping up that it cannot see it.

When I'm not in Krita I CAN find it when I search it just in the normal file viewer. I'm thinking this is a problem I'm having that has to do with Krita. I just build a new desktop (that I'm on right now) so could that be a possible reason? I've updated Krita and my system and still don't see the executable when I search for it.
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Re: Using FFmpeg

Sat Mar 25, 2017 7:07 pm
based off what you said, I am not sure if ffmpeg is installed correct. For me on Ubuntu 16.10, this is where mine is at...

Code: Select all
whereis ffmpeg

ffmpeg: /usr/bin/ffmpeg /usr/share/ffmpeg /usr/share/man/man1/ffmpeg.1.gz

look through your package manager and maybe see if there are other versions of ffmpeg that might be able to be installed
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Re: Using FFmpeg

Mon Feb 11, 2019 2:43 am
Okay so this is a really old post but I've been trying to do this for daaaaayss and I've finally figured it out, so I'm posting my solution in case someone else is facing this problem and haven't found and answer yet.
First, my version of ubuntu is 18.04 - 64 bits, and I installed ffmpeg with apt-get. I tried using the paths given by the "whereis ffmpeg" command, but it just didn't work.
My solution was: I went to the ffmpeg official website and in the download section for linux there's an option that reads "linux static builds". I went to that link and there were a bunch of different options, I just downloaded the first one, which was called "ffmpeg-git-amd64-static.tar.xz". You can extract this file and it gives you a folder with an actual ffmpeg file, and you can use this file's path to render your animation in krita successfully. This method also works with opentoonz, which also requires ffmpeg to render animations. Hope this can help someone in trouble!


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