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Wondering when/if a tablet/ipad version comes?

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So ive been using krita for quite some time since it perfectly incorperates funtions from both illustrator and photoshop and even animate, and i was wondering since i got a laptop with touchscreen (an Acer spin to be more precise) if ill be ever able to use krita by touching my screen, will that function be included anytime soon? like it did with those drawing tablets? greetings lars
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it used to be possible to draw with touchscreens, but it caused bunches of trouble so it got deactivated. either way, if all you have is a touchscreen, krita is basically useless, since you really need at least pressure sensitivity to make anything good.

as for an ipad version ... don't count on it. given how much grief the mac os port of krita has caused the developers, i can imagine they never ever want to hear the word "apple" again in their life.

also it's crazy expensive to get the license that allows you to make ipad apps.

fwiw, there are laptops that have actual stylus-usable screens, like some surface notebooks from microsoft, of course the companions from wacom have that, there are some thinkpads with wacom screens built-in (not sure if they make any more, though), and certainly more.

hope that helps
- Timo
Registered Member
timotimo wrote:it used to be possible to draw with touchscreens, but it caused bunches of trouble so it got deactivated. either way, if all you have is a touchscreen, krita is basically useless, since you really need at least pressure sensitivity to make anything good.

as for an ipad version ... don't count on it. given how much grief the mac os port of krita has caused the developers, i can imagine they never ever want to hear the word "apple" again in their life.

also it's crazy expensive to get the license that allows you to make ipad apps.

fwiw, there are laptops that have actual stylus-usable screens, like some surface notebooks from microsoft, of course the companions from wacom have that, there are some thinkpads with wacom screens built-in (not sure if they make any more, though), and certainly more.

hope that helps
- Timo

well no i own a laptop that doubles as tablet so im not limited to touch, i just hope that they will include a stable tablet version or hybrid pc/tablet version then.


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