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Moving Layers in Canvas Efficiently

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Moving Layers in Canvas Efficiently

Wed Mar 29, 2017 6:57 pm
Hi everyone,

I'm currently finding myself constantly switching to the move tool to position layers/selections, in between using other tools. This feels very awkward and inefficient, even using the T shortcut. A particularly annoying case is when I'm selecting areas and then needing to drag the selection, but I have to constantly switch back and forth between the move and select tools.

How do you guys go about moving stuff? Is there a more efficient method that I'm missing?

If not I might head down to the suggestion box / try coding a solution myself. A simple solution I'm currently thinking would be a configurable keyboard shortcut that while held temporarily engages the move tool. On release it returns to the previous tool. Similar to how Alt engages the eyedropper or the R key engages layer select.



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