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Vector/Path Editing Issues

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Vector/Path Editing Issues

Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:39 am
Hi Krita team,

I'm running into some issues trying to create an all-vector piece. I've never attempted any vector work before, so maybe this is all just beginner's ignorance, but I am occasionally finding the path editing tool completely inaccessible for no discernible reason. I've deleted and re-installed twice and I'm still having the same problem so I think something weird must be going on.

I'm drawing with the Bezier curve tool on vector layers, but the double-click function to enter the path editing tool doesn't work for me at all. Sometimes, after closing the object I've drawn, the icon for the path editing tool won't be visible at all upon clicking the shape again to edit. Other times, the icon for the path editing tool will be visible, but it does not show as highlighted when you roll over it with the mouse and it cannot be selected at all. Sometimes, if I click to another layer and try working on another part of the piece, the path editing tool will seem to spring to life again and then I can go back and edit the things I couldn't before, but - just as quickly - it will stop working again. If I'm not mistaken, it has turned itself on and off randomly even while working within the same layer on the same object(s).

Am I missing something entirely, or am I dealing with a bug?

Thanks for your help and for all the hard work you do.
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KDE Developer

Re: Vector/Path Editing Issues  Topic is solved

Sat Apr 01, 2017 11:49 am
We're currently rewriting the vector tools, and some of the bugs you mention were known and have been fixed in the vector branch. We just need to find the time to get the patch reviewed, merged as well as the scripting branch merged and we can make 4.0 pre-alphas which contain these features.
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Re: Vector/Path Editing Issues

Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:23 pm
Thanks! Glad to know I'm not just missing something. Looking forward to the update.


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