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Really a great tool, BUT ...

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Really a great tool, BUT ...

Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:20 pm
Hi everyone,

my name is Thomas, I used to use Linux as my favourite OS years ago before I switched to Mac OSX. However, since I started to draw comics and cartoons (again), I was looking for a program doing the coloring for me. Right from the start it was clear to me that I do all my outline work still on paper using fineliners and then do all coloring digitally (well, before I was doing it old school using markers like Copic).

Anyway, during my search for a program that fits I stumbled across Krita. The start wasn't a big win, I installed it, started it, did a couple things, and finally uninstalled it, finding, that it is too complicated. However, it set a hook into my mind, and after two days and some research I decided to give Krita a second chance - and it was definetely worth it!

The coloring methods and all the brushes are amazing. And also the performance is just wow! Even rotating big pages is done just within a snap.

BUT - Krita also has some really annoying negative points. My findings:
- Most annoying thing is that it does not fully understand my Wacom Intuos Pro. I.e. it keeps zooming in/out, moving my picture elsewhere, without any motivation. Sometimes I end up with a rotated image zoomed to 10% and then suddenly zoomed up to 500%, page being put somewhere far northeast
- It happens very often to me that I have a selected brush, but can't move the page or increase/decrease the brushes size, change my brush/color, etc. It simply does not react anymore except drawing a line on any layer. Doesn't matter if using my keyboard or Expresskeys on my Wacom - the only fix is to go to the brushes palette, select the brush once more and than I'm armed again.
- I miss some basic image correction tools, i.e. getting rid of scan dots

Doesn't sound like big things, but they happen so often, that they definetely brake the flow and thus it annoys me more and more. I'm using Krita on Mac OSX 10.11.6 on a MB Pro 15" Retina and a Wacom Intuos Pro. Does anyone recognize any similar effects?

In fact, Krita is the most interesting program for replacing Photoshop when coloring Comics and Cartoons, however, the unexpected zooms and dropping reaction on keystrokes are killers for me.

Regards, Thomas
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Re: Really a great tool, BUT ...

Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:20 pm
I have a Intuos 5, and when touch is enabled, i get this pan and zoom behaviour on Krita.
Krita doesn't really support touch, and the keystrokes sent by the wacom driver on touch operations trigger some Krita's keyboard shortcuts.
I use Windows so I don't really know if you actually can use touch gestures, but if don't, try disabling touch for Krita.

About the lockups. it feels like a driver issue, but can also be on Krita's side, since it works when you select the brush again.
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Re: Really a great tool, BUT ...

Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:09 pm
i have a wacom bamboo (basically what they call intuos now) and it has touch capabilities, too. i always turn them off, because they activate far too frequently when i don't want them to, and then they do whatever they want to, like scrolling up and down in whatever window is currently open ... and scrolling up and down in krita is how you zoom in and out, but the touch is so hypersensitive that it doesn't just zoom a little bit, it sends the equivalent of "scroll up three pages", which is "zoom in all the way until 10x10 pixels fill the whole screen" and then back out to "this is how your image would look on a post stamp".

so yeah, i recommend just turning off the touch/multitouch capabilities of your device completely.


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