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Auto frame problem

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Auto frame problem

Sat Apr 15, 2017 2:50 pm

I've been trying to use krita's animation feature and it was working nice.
But recently, with the auto frame mode activated, it seem to not be creating a frame correctly.
When I draw it shows that a frame has been created, but it copy the last frame drawing too.
With the onion skin activated I can see the last frame in red under the copied drawing in the actual frame.
If I turn off auto frame and create it manually, it work normally. I recorded I video demonstrating what happens.
I don't know if I changed some conf by mistake. Can anyone help?
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Re: Auto frame problem

Sat Apr 15, 2017 3:58 pm
This is the way auto-frame works by design, it creates a new frame based on the current visible frame and the action you make on it.
-If you want to copy the frame to keep a part of it in next fram, start drawing or erasing on it.
-If you want a new empty frame, just press Del. to erase all.
-If you want to transform previous frame, use the transform tool and press enter to create a new frame with result of transformation.
...and same for any kind of action you can make on the canvas.
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Re: Auto frame problem

Sat Apr 15, 2017 4:05 pm
Ah, ok. I will have to press delete then.
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Re: Auto frame problem

Sat May 25, 2019 9:12 am
New user here: I've tried the autoframe on a Mac and on a PC and I have the problem identified by the OP. Luckily, I just did a quick random test rather than an elaborate drawing but here's what I have tried -

1) I've moved the frame icon forward to the next frame and drawn - as I understand it, Krita has sampled the previous frame and then added whatever I now draw in. What I find strange is that when I drag the frame icon back to frame 1 - the drawing in frame 2 now appears in frame 1. Same happens if I continue drawing up to say frame 10. If I scroll back all previous frames are exactly the same.

2) So I tried as suggested by animtim in a new file. I drew something in frame 1 then scrolled to frame 2 and pressed delete - this time, the frame turned black and created a new layer. I drew something there on the black layer and progressed in the same way to frame 10 and then I scrolled back to frame 1 which was now black like the others and the drawing from frame 10 is what I see.

3) I know I can right click in the timeline to create a new blank keyframe but on a tablet this means I have to keep the keyboard available. I have used autoframe on Sketchbook pro and it just works there (sorry for mentioning another software).

Am I understanding Krita autoframe the wrong way? Is it a different kind of autoframe?


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