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Blending Modes Missing

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Blending Modes Missing

Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:09 pm
Hello! I have a question to those willing to listen and help.

I just downloaded the newest version of Krita and its been a joy to use! However, when using the blending modes I noticed anything under the "favorites" tab is missing. I click on the tab and the little arrow flips down as if to open the tab but nothing pops up and nothing moves. Is there a setting that would have hidden the blending options? Anyone know how to make them reappear?

Thank you to all who read and can help me!
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Re: Blending Modes Missing

Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:54 am
The favorites tab was empty for a little while but in the latest versions including 3.1.3 should have them back, in any case, can you select blending modes from the other tabs? "arithmetic" "darken" etc. those should have the corresponding blending modes and clicking the check boxes should place them on the favorites tab (not only cliking on them, but making sure the boxes are checked), if all the tabs are empty, them something else must be wrong.

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