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Is it possible to change the color of the icons in toolbox?

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I thought about it ,and I decided that i wanna play around with the way my krita looks, and i wanna color in the icons in the tool box different colors and see what that could look like, and perhaps change all the icons . They just always stay gray and im kinda bored of that ,and was never really pleased with the way krita looks, I see there has been no effort for UI changes. I wanna customize it like i can do with Gimp. Can someone tell me where to browse my krita installation to get to where the toolbox icons are kept so i can color them, or is this impossible and confidentially kept information? or does it require the hassle of getting deep into the core UI code of krita , beyond what the average user can do ?
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KDE Developer
" I see there has been no effort for UI changes."

There has been a lot of effort to create a pleasing, clear and still unobtrusive icon set for Krita that can handle both light and dark themes.

The icons are compiled into the executable, because reading the set from disk takes a lot of time, especially on Windows, so you cannot change the icons without rebuilding Krita. There's nothing secret about it, of course, and the icons are stored as svg files in Krita's git repository.
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awww, alright, i understand. I discovered krita since maybe around 2015, when it was still early or or mid 2.9. , it changed into a blockier look when 3.0 was released, but nowadays when its installed on kde it looks a lot better like how it used to look in 2.9. When krita is used on gnome gtk linuxes it looks more blocky and squareish . I notice that Krita gets a different more streamlined look when it is installed on KDE linuxes, and you get much more color themes when you install krita on KDE, and i think that is because kde platform somehow provides extra libraries ,settings ,and some other magic.There is no talk on this, its a minor thing, you pretty much have to discover it for yourself by installing krita on a gnome gtk, and then installing it in a kde, then you'll see the differences in appearances. I guess that you are the top krita boss administrator ,so you'd know a thing or 2 about this.

It also seems that not many even actually use the brighter themes, havn't met a single person yet who uses it like that as a preferred default choice. when krita is on a bright theme, it looks like a high contrast windoes 98 program , if you google krita the overwhelming screenshots are darker themes , you see very few light ones, but they are dinosaur old 2011, 2.4- 2.5 era


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