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Krita 3.1.3 (cannot drop files into project)

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Registered Member
It seems like i can not drag and drop any files (along with kra) to open project. In version 3.1.2 and previous i could do that and insert them as new layer or new window. Is there an option to turn it on in new version or is it a bug ?
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Registered Member
that's bizarre, i cant reproduce it, it works fine for me,i just tried it. i really don't know what to say this time.
Registered Member
Gingle wrote:that's bizarre, i cant reproduce it, it works fine for me,i just tried it. i really don't know what to say this time.

It is, isn't it. I downloaded the portable version, when i try to drop a file into Krita, the mouse pointer changes to crossed circle indicading that i cannot make such an action.
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KDE Developer
Which OS are you using? And what file type are you trying to D&D?
Registered Member
Win 8.1 64 bit
I am trying to drag jpeg, kra or png (which were saved with previous version of Krita).
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Registered Member
Are you for some reason running Krita in Administrator mode? Or getting any UAC notification when runnin Krita?
Registered Member
Normally I dont run Krita in Administrator mode, i checked it in admin mode and it behaves same. I have disabled UAC completaly, so i dont have any notifications.

I did some more testting and discovered more. i can drag drop files from internet browser and ANY OTHER file manager (like total commander etc.) but windows !

I can not drag and drop any files from Desktop or any "Windows" window. Any clue why that happen?

I havent change anything in my Win for a long time and i as i said before version 3.1.2 dosent have this problem.
Registered Member
Ok it seems i have found a workaround to this problem.

If i create a desktop shortcut for Krita and run it from it, it seems everything is working fine.
If i run Krita directly from folder, that is placed on partition D, drag and drop dosent work for "win" windows and desktop.
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KDE Developer
Hm... That sounds weird, but at the same time, it's something that can be tested. Could you make a debug log with debugview? ( ... gview.aspx). Start debugview, start krita, then d&d and check whether there's any interesting output.
Registered Member
This is what i get after starting Krita directly from exe

00000001 0.00000000 [2988] SHIMVIEW: ShimInfo(Complete)
00000002 0.69510919 [2988] No "breeze" available.
00000003 0.69522744 [2988] Set style "fusion"
00000004 0.71506709 [2988] OpenGL Info
00000005 0.71516031 [2988] Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
00000006 0.71520877 [2988] Renderer: "GeForce GTX 765M/PCIe/SSE2"
00000007 0.71526086 [2988] Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 378.66
00000008 0.71532124 [2988] Shading language: 4.50 NVIDIA
00000009 0.71538198 [2988] Requested format: QSurfaceFormat(version 3.0, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples -1, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 0, profile 2)
00000010 0.71543908 [2988] Current format: QSurfaceFormat(version 4.5, options QFlags(0x4), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize 8, greenBufferSize 8, blueBufferSize 8, alphaBufferSize 8, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior 2, swapInterval 1, profile 2)
00000011 0.71548378 [2988] Version: 4 . 5
00000012 0.71553063 [2988] Supports deprecated functions true
00000013 0.71733248 [2988] krita has opengl true
00000014 0.71741706 [2988] Setting XDG_DATA_DIRS "E:/Programy/krita-3.1.3-x64/bin/../share"
00000015 0.72007495 [2988] Available translations QSet("en_US", "nn", "fa", "ms", "de", "th", "pa", "uz", "uz@cyrillic", "lt", "mr", "fi", "mai", "ast", "ro", "ko", "hr", "ca@valencia", "zh_CN", "ca", "zh_TW", "br", "bs", "en_GB", "pt", "ru", "ga", "fy", "el", "et", "lv", "it", "sk", "wa", "bg", "km", "hne", "he", "cs", "eu", "nb", "cy", "oc", "pt_BR", "nds", "tg", "ar", "is", "sq", "xh", "ne", "pl", "ug", "gl", "hi", "nl", "ia", "kk", "fr", "be", "hu", "da", "mk", "tr", "uk", "vi", "ja", "sv", "af", "se", "ta", "es", "sl", "eo")
00000016 0.72109765 [2988] Available domain translations QSet("en_US", "nn", "fa", "ms", "de", "th", "pa", "uz", "uz@cyrillic", "lt", "mr", "fi", "mai", "ast", "ro", "ko", "hr", "ca@valencia", "zh_CN", "ca", "zh_TW", "br", "bs", "en_GB", "pt", "ru", "ga", "fy", "el", "et", "lv", "it", "sk", "wa", "bg", "km", "hne", "he", "cs", "eu", "nb", "cy", "oc", "pt_BR", "nds", "tg", "ar", "is", "sq", "xh", "ne", "pl", "ug", "gl", "hi", "nl", "ia", "kk", "fr", "be", "hu", "da", "mk", "tr", "uk", "vi", "ja", "sv", "af", "se", "ta", "es", "sl", "eo")
00000017 0.72126883 [2988] Override language: "en_US:en_US"
00000018 0.72135419 [2988] Qt ui languages ("en", "en-US", "en-Latn-US")
00000019 0.72145236 [2988] PATH "E:/Programy/krita-3.1.3-x64/bin;E:/Programy/krita-3.1.3-x64/lib;E:/Programy/krita-3.1.3-x64/Frameworks;E:/Programy/krita-3.1.3-x64;C:\\ProgramData\\Oracle\\Java\\javapath;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\iCLS Client\\;C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\iCLS Client\\;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\\DAL;C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\\IPT;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\\DAL;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\\IPT;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\OpenCL SDK\\3.0\\bin\\x86;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\OpenCL SDK\\3.0\\bin\\x64;E:\\Programy\\Calibre2\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NVIDIA Corporation\\PhysX\\Common;D:\\Programy\\Skype\\Phone\\"
00000020 0.77200496 [2988] krita.tabletlog: Opened tablet context 0x805 on window 0xd03ea changed packet queue size 50 -> 128
00000021 2.46474075 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000022 2.46481872 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000023 2.51941371 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000024 2.51946187 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000025 3.11725497 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000026 3.11915469 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000027 3.12332654 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000028 3.12614083 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000029 3.35699296 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000030 3.35707736 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000031 3.36150551 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000032 3.36879158 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000033 3.37635303 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000034 3.38499045 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000035 3.38765287 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000036 3.39019918 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000037 3.39345884 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000038 3.39629412 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000039 3.39971423 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000040 3.40250230 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000041 3.40587449 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000042 3.40911222 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000043 3.41452765 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000044 3.41682625 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000045 3.41930771 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000046 3.42178869 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000047 3.42389512 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000048 3.42621875 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000049 3.42850804 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000050 3.43082833 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000051 3.43310785 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000052 3.43555641 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000053 3.46819568 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000054 3.47704530 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000055 3.47992611 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000056 3.48280334 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000057 3.53399014 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000058 3.54859328 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000059 3.55590057 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000060 3.56346655 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000061 3.57101655 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000062 3.57361937 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000063 3.57813168 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000064 3.58078146 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000065 3.58345771 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000066 3.58608937 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000067 3.58965039 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000068 3.59353137 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000069 3.59671640 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000070 3.60010219 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000071 3.60279894 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000072 3.60542893 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000073 3.60776711 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000074 3.61015105 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000075 3.61274242 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000076 3.63765240 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000077 3.63991976 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000078 3.64791679 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000079 3.64921045 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000080 3.65444875 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000081 3.65792465 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000082 3.67247868 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000083 3.68940830 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000084 3.69936132 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000085 3.70168447 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000086 3.70458508 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000087 3.71846199 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000088 3.72151184 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000089 3.72699809 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000090 3.72951388 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000091 3.73176289 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000092 3.73404455 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000093 3.73658967 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000094 3.73949957 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000095 3.74270582 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000096 3.74537778 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000097 3.74848962 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000098 3.75168371 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000099 3.75483966 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000100 3.75763917 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000101 3.76448917 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000102 3.77978516 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000103 3.78698492 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000104 3.81032777 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000105 3.81329823 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000106 3.81841207 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000107 3.82078457 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000108 3.82616305 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000109 3.83099675 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000110 3.83321953 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000111 3.84201431 [2988] krita.general: convertAndSetBlendMode: Curve conversion is not implemented yet
00000112 3.84212232 [2988] krita.general: convertAndSetBlendMode: Curve conversion is not implemented yet
00000113 3.89500999 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000114 3.89957213 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000115 3.90521002 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000116 3.91069555 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000117 3.91542172 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000118 3.92005992 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000119 3.97391629 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000120 3.97869849 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000121 3.98345613 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000122 3.99224973 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000123 3.99696684 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000124 4.01444530 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000125 4.01882458 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000126 4.03536129 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000127 4.04149246 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000128 4.06071615 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000129 4.08044815 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000130 4.09960461 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000131 4.14213037 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000132 4.14890003 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000133 4.16697788 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000134 4.17181396 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000135 4.17666435 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000136 4.20118999 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000137 4.87948608 [2988] libpng warning: iCCP: too many profiles
00000138 4.88187981 [2988] libpng warning: iCCP: too many profiles
00000139 4.88230228 [2988] libpng warning: iCCP: too many profiles
00000140 4.88332558 [2988] libpng warning: iCCP: too many profiles
00000141 4.89005184 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000142 4.94361162 [2988] WARNING: vector instructions disabled by 'amdDisableVectorWorkaround' option!
00000143 5.21879053 [2988] QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout

After that when i try drag and drop noting happen and no new line appears in Debug.

Seems there is a lot of warning about vector optimalization, i disabled vector optimalization in Performance. Though i am using Nvidia not AMD, i am not sure about this option i though this will speed up Krita bit with text, but i dont feel any change.

Last edited by Rafal_86 on Thu May 11, 2017 7:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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KDE Developer
Meh, that doesn't help us either, then...
Registered Member
Can anyone esle reproduce same thing on their mashine on windows? If everything is fine and this happen only on my pc, maybe its my windows configuration? I am no sure what i could change though, i am running win as admin with full rights.
User avatar
KDE Developer
Well, I do suspect it's got something to do with krita being installed on d:\ not c:\ -- but I haven't got a windows system with more than one drive, so I'll have to fake up something to try to reproduce.
Registered Member
Actually, i have 3 version of Krita right now.

Krita 3.1.1 - a proper installed version, and yes its installed on D drive.
Krita 3.1.2 - portable version on D in different folder ( i am using this version all the time now)
Krita 3.1.3 - portable version on D in different folder

Dont now if this any help, but better more info than less.

Thanks for looking into it.


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