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Krita transparency mask

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Krita transparency mask

Mon May 15, 2017 8:25 am

I have an issue with painting inside transparency mask (where white is opacity and black is transparency thing)

for example i have a layer on some blending mode like multiply or normal (whatever) and i create a transparency mask for it to edit it non-destructively and here comes a problem

It seems to me, that global opacity slider (the one on top bar in the interface next to size slider etc) DOES NOT work in transparency masks. What i would like to be able to do, is pick black color from color selector, then proceed and select my transparency mask, then for example set 10% on global opacity slider and then use that low opacity along with pressure sensitivity of my tablet to paint inside my transparency mask. But what i get looks like there is always 100% opacity set on the slider (regardless of what % i set, results on the canvas are as if i was painting with 100% global opacity even though interface shows me the correct precentage it seems like its disconnected form real percentage) and only opacity control i have in painting in transparency mask is from pressure sensitivity on the tablet pen.

I would like this feature to work because it would make painting gentle and subtle transitions possible of whats visible and what is not, now it is very difficult. I hope its clear what i mean if its not please tell me i will try to explain it further.

My question is, is it a bug? Or is it something i am doing wrong and i just need to change some simply thing i overlooked?
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Re: Krita transparency mask

Mon May 15, 2017 9:14 am
I don't know if it's a bug. But for a workaround, you can go to the brush settings, look for opacity options and set the maximum opacity from there. Or just open the popup palette, you will see an option to expand it to reveal some more brush settings, like opacity, size, etc. You can change the maximum opacity from there too, and it works the way you want.

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Re: Krita transparency mask

Mon May 15, 2017 9:18 am
Thank you for your reply, thats some way to workround it but it will be time consuming, as i use this a lot to mix paint when i paint in normally on the layer itself (not its transparency mask) i even have opacity change set to hotkeys so it will be pretty hard to every time open the window and manually change opacity in brush preset. But its something already, thanks!

I still hope there is a way to push through this so it will be possible to paint in the transparency mask exactly the same way as in the layer itself
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Re: Krita transparency mask

Mon May 15, 2017 9:29 am
Actually, I just checked now and even the opacity slider on the main toolbar is working for me! And also the shortcuts I and O. Which Krita version are you using? It didn't use to work in some previous version so I didn't check it in 3.1.3. But it seems it has been resolved now. Both the slider on the toolbar and shortcuts are working as desired on transparency masks.

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Re: Krita transparency mask

Mon May 15, 2017 9:38 am
Wow seriously? That would be very very nice, i will check this myself when i get back home, because i am not sure what version i am using. What version are you using? So can you achieve different values without changing the color? I mean, if you for example set 50% of opacity on the slider you wont exceed and reach more than 50% of opacity it unless you pick up your pen and make new overlapping stroke so that gives 50%+50%?

If yes then i am a happy man today, because thats how i need it to work exactly the same as when painting in layer, you just paint over and over again and achieve a buildup of opacity, but with single stroke it does not reach 100% correct?

Last edited by sierzant_grubas on Mon May 15, 2017 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Krita transparency mask  Topic is solved

Mon May 15, 2017 9:40 am
Yeah, It's working. I can set the max opacity, and the individual strokes don't reach full opacity in one stroke. I'm using Krita 3.1.3.


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