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How to accomplish this quality?

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How to accomplish this quality?

Fri May 19, 2017 8:22 am
Hi, I am trying to replicate the quality of the hoodie in this image
is this possible? how?
By that I mean, to make it look realistic and have that brightness
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Re: How to accomplish this quality?

Fri May 19, 2017 4:02 pm
Brightness is just a measure of relative whiteness. An object looks "bright", or as "emitting light" if it looks brighter than a white colored object in a particular lighting scenario. So, if you setup such a lighting in which a white object looks gray, then the object that looks white will look as if it's glowing or "bright". Same is the case with the image above. The lighting pretty much resembles an overhead spotlight, with no ambient lights around. So everything is pretty much dark except where the light falls directly. And the highlights are just sharp reflections of the source of light. And actually, the image is pretty misleading as the highlights on the face should not be as bright than those in his chains.

You can try observing a white piece of paper at twilight, and take a picture of it. Import it inside Krita and sample the color. The 'white" color is actually very dark, darker than a middle gray sometimes. So any surface that is lighter than that white piece of paper in twilight seems to glow as if it is emitting light. Because of this, it is very easy to spot a light source after sunset than during daylight. Always think about the lighting scenario when you begin to paint something. Then it's all about which colors and of how much lightness and saturation, "can" exist within that lighting scenario. If you include any color (of a specific value and saturation) that "can't" exist within that lighting, it looks odd and the colors are said to be "unharmonious". The simplest rule to think about color theory.


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