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Brush Cursor Color Help

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Brush Cursor Color Help

Sun May 28, 2017 3:44 pm
Hey everyone,
To start off with, I really love working with Krita. I'm trying to teach myself art and I'm moving back and forth between all of the 'recommended' software (Sai, Manga Studio/Clip Studio, Photoshop), and I find that Krita's interface is pretty easy to work with and just generally a pleasure to use.

Right now, my one main problem lies with the brush cursor color. I'm partially colorblind (Red-Green mostly, but other 'close' shades are confusing, blue/purple, etc). To put it bluntly, I just plain can't see the strangely colored brush cursor when I'm over the paper. I can only see it if I am working with a VERY large cursor, or on a very dark background color. Putting it against white or neutral gray causes me to not be able to see it at all...

I don't know if there is anything that can be done about this...if there is a setting that I'm missing, or what. But right now it's really shutting down my ability to work with Krita at all... If anyone could give me suggestions, that would be awesome.
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Re: Brush Cursor Color Help

Sun May 28, 2017 3:57 pm
I'm afraid that that is another bug in some display drivers. You could work around it by turning off opengl, but unless you really need the brush outline, I'd disable that, and enable one of the cursor options.


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