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All the ink brush are pixelated or blurry...what I do wrong?

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Anonymous Sphinx
Hi all,

first time that I made a post here... if I do something wrong please be gentle is "my first day" :D

I have hear about krita from the web/youtube and I start to play with it, I am not an pro-artist just an amateur learner... my first software is SAI but I feel that it become for me too restrictive and I thought I would go to krita... it will be awesome!
And it is krita is a very powerful and nice program but I have trouble regarding the ink pen brush... all of them.

The problem is that all the ink brushes appear or like pixelated or like blurry (please see the images).

In the images you can see a brush of 5pixel, 10pixel, 20pixel, 40pixel and 80pixel. Brush type: Ink_circle_10 Work Sheet: 1600x1200 300dpi Operative System: Win7 Krita version: 3.1.3 Tablet: Wacom Intuos Pen & Touch CTH-480

It appear like the brush not scale nice... small = pixelated , big = blurry ???

what you suggest? I not have that problem in SAI and even GIMP is free from that strange behaviour. :o

what I did wrong? :'(

thanks for your attention
Anonymous Sphinx
I have try to use only 10 or more pixel ink brushes but the problem remain.
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Press "F5" to open brush options.
Click on the "Brush Tip" section.
Change the "Mask Type:" drop-down from "Gaussian" to "Default"
Check the "Anti-alias" checkbox.


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