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Brush tool does not draw on canvas after vector tools used

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I am new to Krita.

In new canvas, brushes works quite well on paint layers. After that I used vector tools to draw some tests. New vector layers are automatically opened for vector sharps.

Then I tried to use brush tool again to draw on a normal paint layer. The brush strokes did shown only inside of a drawn curve. So what did I do wrong? Please help.

Thank a lot.

After a long while playing with Krita. I start to understand my problem is related to layer concepts:
- New layers start normally transparent except the first layer that might be set to have background color
- Upper layer covers completely layers below if it opacity is set for 100%
- Anything draws on a transparent area of a layer will change only the transparency on the drawing lines to the desired color
- When a paint layer below another layer is active, fill inside or outside a circle or a closed line of the upper layer will fill the color on the active layer below and the fill will be limited to the circle circumference or the closed line
- Erase brush can be selected and be used with brush, circle, rectangle, color fill even the gradient tool to remove color in order to return to transparency.
- When an area of an upper layer is colored, we cannot draw on the active layer on the same area of the canvas.
- Layer can be moved to upper or lower level using up or down icon in the layer docker

Please advice.



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