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V3 Text/Layer preview thumbs are too small

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So I just updated from 2.9 to the latest version, a lot of bug fixes and changes in this version which were great. However the Layer Docker UI is now much harder to use. It's more organized, sure, but the text is miniscule and hard to read; and the layer preview thumbs are way too small to be of any use.

This is what I'm looking at:

Is there any way to scale up the UI on the docker? I don't want to go back to an older version as there were a lot of great fixes, but being able to clearly see what's going on with my layers is very important to my workflow (for that matter just being able to scale up the UI text on everything would be great...).

Thanks for your help.

Edit: Pulled up a screenshot of the older version and compared, the text in general is a few pts smaller and blurrier/harder to read:
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The size and rendering of the ui text is determined by the development platform, Qt, and the operating system/desktop -- we cannot influence that. The size of the layer thumbnails we can influence, but when the new style for the layer docker was developed, the artists who worked with the ux designer were unanimous that they wanted to see more layers at the expense of the size of the thumbnail. I would like them larger as well, but it is currently not possible.
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boudewijn wrote:The size and rendering of the ui text is determined by the development platform, Qt, and the operating system/desktop -- we cannot influence that. The size of the layer thumbnails we can influence, but when the new style for the layer docker was developed, the artists who worked with the ux designer were unanimous that they wanted to see more layers at the expense of the size of the thumbnail. I would like them larger as well, but it is currently not possible.

When you say you can't influence it, I assume you mean that you can't make it so the user can change it. Because the font type/sizing was changed between versions (I hate sounding negative but it wasn't a good change, the quality of the text went down, it's definitely smaller and blurrier).

I do understand about the thumbnails, thank you for the explanation. I'll just have to rely more heavily on my layer names.

I would like to say though that I really appreciate all the work that has gone into Krita, it's a fantastic program and I always recommend it to people.
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For future reference for anyone with the same problem, a simple fix to the config file will resize the docker text to whatever you want. Major life saver.
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dwarf wrote:When you say you can't influence it, I assume you mean that you can't make it so the user can change it. Because the font type/sizing was changed between versions (I hate sounding negative but it wasn't a good change, the quality of the text went down, it's definitely smaller and blurrier).

Not only did the the version of Krita change, the version of Qt changed, and with that change, the way Qt handles fonts by default changed. I don't think we intentionally changed the default font size between 2 and 3. Like others noted, it's possible to influence it, but by default it's taken from the system settings by Qt.


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