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Need guidance for game textures

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Need guidance for game textures

Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:40 pm
Hello all,

Been on and off interested in game development for a few years and started to really get into it a few months back taking some Udemy courses. Though I've learned a lot modelling wise I'm having trouble in determining what kind of style I want my hand-painted textures to be. I've tried a few ways until I stumbled upon an image that has a style I'd like to replicate.

The environment looks simple and yet charming if done right. I'm going for more of a fantasy medieval world setting but I'd like to do a style much like this.

I'm working with Blender for modelling and I'm intermediate with Photoshop and Krita. I like doing textures in Krita because of the seamless button.

I'm asking here because I figured you would be more familiar of how this style can be achieved. But really I'd like to learn from scratch. Like what kind of brushes and filters I should use to create that sketchiness about it. Should I do textures to wrap around models, or unfold a model and draw on UV layouts? Any input is appreciated.
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Re: Need guidance for game textures

Fri Jun 16, 2017 10:59 am
It seems to me that a large part of that look is caused by clever shader writing, so do some research into that(outline shaders are the big one you should be looking for). After that, for games with large levels, it is always wise to start with producing a seamless texture library. So a texture for grass and for rock and stone, etc. Then, you will at one point inevitably need to unwrap models and make unique setups, but there the seamless texture library can be invaluable, as blender's texture paint allows you to use a seamless texture as a painting source.

I would take a good look at if there's stuff on youtube, like this guy has used Krita for painting handpainted textures: ... FuW4BIWtmQ , and XRG also has some nice stuff of course:

I cannot help you on reproducing the look beyond, try eyeballing the look and do some studies before starting on the real texture work.


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