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Pen Pressure Randomly Stops Working

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Pen Pressure Randomly Stops Working

Fri Jun 16, 2017 3:32 pm
Version: 3.1.3
OS: Windows 10
Tablet: Wacom Intuos Pro Small

Every now and then, since I first got Krita in about February, my pen pressure will randomly stop working. I've looked up a number of things on how to fix it, such as reinstalling the drivers, configuring Krita tools, restarting my laptop, ending Krita in task manager, etc., but none of them seem to work. Usually the pressure fixes itself in at least three days, but it just falls back into the same pit. It's started to happen a lot more, too, and being an artist who does commission work, that's a big issue for me.

Everything on both my tablet and my laptop is up to date. But, I was wondering, does it have something to do with Windows Ink (such as interrupting it)? How can I fix this?
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KDE Developer
I'm not sure whether Windows Ink is related, but I do recognize what you describe: it happens on my wacom mobilestudio as well, and it's a !@#$% bug in the Wacom drivers. We cannot do anything about it in Krita because when it happens, Krita simply doesn't get a tablet context from the driver anymore.


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