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Cannot open .r16 file saved from Krita

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I created a new file, grayscale, 512 x 512 x 16bit and saved it as a heightmap (.r16) file, Windows endianness, Size = 99

I then immediately tried to reopen the file and got this error:

Could not open file:\\\G:\Projects\Unity\Test\testfromkrita.r16.
Reason: Format not recognized.
Source file is not the right size for the specified width and height.

When opening the file, there are no options for specifying width and height, only a single box labelled "Size" and the maximum value allowed in that box is apparently 99.

I cannot find any documentation for the .r16 or .r8 formats. What does the "Size" option indicate when saving and loading?

Any help would be appreciated.

Krita Version: 3.0 (git f0cbffc)
Windows Version: Windows 7 Professional, with Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Registered Member
Just an update. I installed the latest version of Krita (3.1) and the Size textbox now allow me to enter a size greater than 99. When I enter the correct size for the .r16 file (512 in this case), it loads properly.

I'm not sure why version 3.0 did not allow me to enter values greater than 99, but it seems to be working now.

Hope this helps someone else.


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