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Intuos Tablet Settings

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Intuos Tablet Settings

Sat Jul 01, 2017 9:16 pm

I am a newbie using Krita 3.1.4 and I have a Wacom Intuos Pro (Small) v. 6.3.22-6 tablet both running under Windows 7 Pro (64 bit).

I tested the tablet and it works with Krita. But, I am confused about the tablet settings.

In the Windows Control Panel -under Hardware and Sound- there are three tablet-related options: (a) Pen and Touch, (b) Tablet PC Settings, and (c) Wacom Tablet Properties.

Additionally, there is (d) the Wacom Desktop Center on the PC and there are (e) controls on the Intuos tablet itself.

Finally, there probably are (f) controls within Krita itself.

I was told that the Control Panel's (a) Pen and Touch and (b) Tablet PC Settings do not apply to Intuos. Which of the remaining four do I use?

Thank you!

Doctor T
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Re: Intuos Tablet Settings  Topic is solved

Sun Jul 02, 2017 5:32 pm
(a) - Windows Pen and Touch settings may have something you want to change. For example, the click and hold behavior can get in the way sometimes when you are drawing.

(b) - Windows Tablet PC settings only apply to pen displays, not pen tablets.

(c) - Wacom Tablet Properties holds most of the settings related to Wacom tablet. If you do not use any application dependent on the Windows Ink platform, be sure to disable Windows Ink under Pen Settings, on the Mapping tab.

(d) - Wacom Desktop Center only link you to the (c) - Wacom Tablet Properties.

(e) - The only hardware control that change settings by default is the button on the center of the touch ring, witch change the touch ring behaviour through the four modes it have.

(f) - On Krita, the only thing you can adjust about the tablet is the pressure curve (sensitivity). Additionally on the preset editor, you can edit how the preset reacts to some tablet properties like the pen tilt, but that is preset specific.
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Re: Intuos Tablet Settings

Sun Jul 02, 2017 10:25 pm
artur89sd wrote: ... Windows Pen and Touch ...

Dear Arthur,

Thank you for your clear, well-thought reply. Bravo!

Doctor T


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