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My menu bar disappears after I create a canvas in Krita!

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After I create a new canvas, the Menu Bar with "File, Edit, View, etc" is concealed by the white window bar at the top and the whole layout of the program is offset including my brush curser.
I'm pretty sure it's a problem with the scaling of my screen because I also hook up my laptop to a monitor and the screen is enlarged when transferred to the larger monitor screen, but all my Display settings on my computer is set to the recommended and I have not toggled with it at all.
It seems after I create the canvas, all the buttons is offset. I mean they're still there, but I have to hover approx. 1 cm below it to click it. Also as well, the Krita program on my smaller screened laptop is a lot larger in scale in comparison to when after I disconnected the dual monitors.
The only way the Menu Bar is ever seen is when I put the program in Full Screen Mode, but I don't want to keep it that way forever and it's a little annoying when I want to switch between apps.

I have tried reinstalling, playing with resetting the toolbar settings, and I can't really find the file to remove the Krita configure settings.
Registered Member
vannguyen wrote:I can't really find the file to remove the Krita configure settings.

Hi vannguyen, I'm not expert.
What's the OS and which version of Krita are you using?
Configuration files should be at the following places:
    Linux: $HOME/.config/kritarc
    Windows: %APPDATA%\Local\kritarc
    OSX: $HOME/Library/Preferences/kritarc
( link: ... figuration )


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