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Krita Text tools, very buggy or poorly implemented.

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Hi there, first post here.
can not say for sure if the latest release of krita has gotten a bug when working with text, since I am on vacation and can not try the older versions at work.
installed the latests build 3.1.4

when I try enter the text that is written, and try to go with the text marquee with my arrow buttons, I can not go to the end of the letter on the first row, let´s say I have the word miller, and want to go to the end of that word and make a return for a wrap in to a new row, it will only go to the end of "e" and not "r" and if you have several words after that which you would want to move down in a wrap, it doesn´t work most of the times, and if I do manage to make wrap the text marque jumps out of the text editing field so I can not continue to write on the row below..this isn´t good.

I also noticed that I can not even simply copy a text from notepad and paste in to the text, it won´t work.
I think text tools can & should be improved on.

Apart from that I like much of it, though working with huge images can not match working in photoshop, it´s extremely slow in krita and seem to use/add a huge memory when working with it.
I like the editing of vector paths which in some cases is better than photoshop, except for maybe that once and awhile..One get´s lost in not having the proper layer selected, while in photoshop it is connected on the same layer since it lives as a path setting not connected to another layer.
I have been using it in work for retouching of product images apart from sometimes having issues with selecting the vector layer and having to swithc layers when doing cut outs, an issue has been the slowness when doing this on large images.

Some UI enhancements could also be made, but I will bring up this and that in another thread.
Registered Member
Yes, the text tool in Krita is very... primitive. This isn't unknown by any means.
But don't fret! The developers are currently working on updating the vector and text tools, and I would guess we can expect to see them in Krita 4.0 or soon thereafter :)

It's a good idea to look for updates on the newsfeed on the front page about what the developers are working on and how they're doing.
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michaeli wrote:when I try enter the text that is written, and try to go with the text marquee with my arrow buttons, I can not go to the end of the letter on the first row, let´s say I have the word miller, and want to go to the end of that word and make a return for a wrap in to a new row, it will only go to the end of "e" and not "r" and if you have several words after that which you would want to move down in a wrap, it doesn´t work most of the times, and if I do manage to make wrap the text marque jumps out of the text editing field so I can not continue to write on the row below..this isn´t good.

Are you entering text in multiline, not artistic? I have no trouble doing exactly what you can't.
Registered Member
There actually is a bug between Krita 3.1.4 and 3.1.3 where the text shrinks in x.x.4. I know for 4.x alpha its supposed to be under major reconstruction, It's just a shame we'll have to update probably 500 layers. I can't wait for the new version or fixes to land.
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ElectricPrism wrote:There actually is a bug between Krita 3.1.4 and 3.1.3 where the text shrinks in x.x.4. I know for 4.x alpha its supposed to be under major reconstruction, It's just a shame we'll have to update probably 500 layers. I can't wait for the new version or fixes to land.

I am using 3.1.4 on Linux. I haven't come across this bug so far.


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