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xp pen tablet, stylus is offset

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xp pen tablet, stylus is offset

Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:57 pm
Hi, I've been using Krita for a year and I like it, it's good, but I just bought an xp pen tablet 16, and now there's an offset whenever i try to use the stylus. It's not the calibration, and it's not the drivers (because the stylus works fine in gimp). I've tried putting in different resolutions, such as the negative offset, but nothing happens. I read changing the workspace resolution could help, but i don't know if xp pen has a workspace. Anyway, thanks for any ideas, this is a beautiful tablet otherwise.

edit: By the way, I had to make my xp pen tablet my main display in the xp pen settings, in order for the stylus to work at all, and the laptop the main display in the laptop settings. I read that changing the main display might help but i don't think that's an option for me.

2edit: I tried making the tablet the main display in laptop settings... now the pen won't work at all. Switched it back, still won't work. not even offset, the cursor is just frozen and nothing gets painted. Is that a hint?

3edit: changed main display in laptop settings to be the tablet, then restarted. There was no offset! Unfortunately, this is random now. I can open Krita and there's a 50/50 chance there will be an offset. I would also very much appreciate any solution that does not involve my tablet being my main display, its super weird to have all my windows moved to my tablet whenever i plug it in. Thanks for any ideas...

4edit: okay, get this. It's not random. I changed my main display to my laptop in laptop settings. When you open Krita and don't change the coordinates, there's no offset! But when you open Krita and shift+click to change coordinates, there is offset! No idea why but I'm very happy it finally works!!!! :) Thank you all for your moral support


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