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A way to create custom brushes using a reference file

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Hi, Krita users/ helpers/ seasoned digital artist that could possibly answer my question even though I don't think its possible but I'm giving it a try anyway

I'm very new here and I was wondering if I could create a brush or brush preset using and reference file. To elaborate, I have a reference file painting from one fo Jazza's videos to work on digital painting, and I was wondering if I could recreate the brushes used in the painting using a feature or something or other. Also, if it's not possible (as in I can't just click a button and it will become a brush or stuff like that), can you leave some tips or strategies to help recreate it myself using the custom brushes menu thing. I think that's what its called

This is the video:

The reference file is in the description. I don't know how to attach a file to the forum.


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